The printing of your thesis in Nijmegen is not something you do ‘just like that’. The professionals at are the ones to call. You have been slaving over your thesis for months, maybe even years. Now that it’s finally finished, only the best is good enough.


Preparing to print thesis in Nijmegen

Before you can print your thesis in Nijmegen, it is time to hand in your dissertation to your supervisors for the last time. Once they have given their approval, you will need to take a final look at it to remove any spelling and grammatical errors. You will then send the thesis to the manuscript committee. Then comes the long, nail-biting wait – waiting for final approval.




Good cooperation is half the battle

The final approval is in! All that remains now is to get your thesis printed. You can outsource the entire printing to us or just part of it. Whatever you choose, you don’t have to do everything by yourself. From now on, we’ll be happy to work closely with you. We have all the professional knowledge and experience necessary to print an outstanding dissertation. You can leave the design of the cover and the layout of the text to us with peace of mind. We will ensure a professional look. These finishing touches can only benefit the readability of your thesis. The combination of text and tables, graphs and images can quickly give a messy impression. Our designers will be happy to turn the publication into a well-organised whole

Proof copy for final printing

We provide free bookmark invitations for the day you are going to defend your thesis. On our website, you can read exactly how your thesis should be structured to meet the specified requirements. Before we print your thesis, we will send you a hard copy to proofread. You can then perform a final check and will know exactly what the thesis will look like. Do you like the sound of this? Let us know, and we will print all the copies. We can deliver them to the address of your choice within five days.